Welcome from our Waikato and Taranaki Diocese Cursillistas.
One of the great strengths of Cursillo is the opportunity it creates for the Ordained and Laity to work collaboratively in a unique way, to link across parishes to achieve our overarching goal of living and spreading the Gospel – and welcoming Followers of Christ to join this wonderful Cursillo network.
Please bring: Your original Cursillo name tag and cross, song book.
Saturday, February 1st
Saturday, May 17th
September (date TBC)
November (date TBC)
Ultreyas in both Waikato and Taranaki
(venues and times TBC)
Any questions regarding Ultreyas please contact:
Ariel McCracken (for Waikato) waikatotaranakicursillo@gmail.com 027 294 5139
Anita Walthew (for Taranaki) ajaeiow@gmail.com 027 600 6163
Thursday 3rd July (early evening) – Sunday 6th July (late afternoon)
Waikato Diocesan School for Girls
Heather Riches
If you would like to know more about Waikato Taranaki Cursillo please contact us on waikatotaranakicursillo@gmail.com We’d love to talk to you.
If you would like to know more about Waikato Taranaki Cursillo please contact us on waikatotaranakicursillo@gmail.com. We’d love to talk to you.
Anita Walthew
027 600 6163
Rev Christine Hunn
Rev Rosie Dell
Margie Thomas
022 041 3403 or
07 889 6248
Murray Gardiner
© 2017-2022 Anglican Cursillo New Zealand